Sopron Botanical Garden NR
Register number: 169/TT/78
Beginning of protection: 1978
Védetté nyilvánító jogszabály (ok): 15/1978 OKTH határozat
160/2007. (XII. 27.) KvVM r. (megerősítés)
Area: 17,2064 ha
of which strictly protected: 0 ha
Settelements included: Sopron
Conservation authority of the first instance: Észak-dunántúli Környezetvédelmi,
Természetvédelmi és Vízügyi Felügyelőség
The base of the botanical garden was created already around the foundation of the military school in 1897. This was the time when today’s old planes, horse chestnuts and maples were planted. Following the 1st World War, in September 1922 the Academy for Mining and Forestry from Selmecbánya occupied the empty buildings. The academy owned already in Selmecbánya a Europe-wide famous arboretum. The transition of the area measuring 10 Hectares into a botanical garden began in spring 1923 with the leadership of Ferenc Kövessi.
Aim of the botanical garden was primarily to provide an educational help. Before the 2nd World War the garden could show up already almost five hundred tree species and more than  thousand herb species, part of which were brought into greenhouses for the winter. In 1958 the area of the botanical garden was enlarged by 4 hectares with the support of the city council, in 1965 with further 4,5 hectares.
A thematic reorganisation of the garden started also in the 1960-ies. The pathways, the alpinetum and the parts introducing the species of each continent were created at this time. The evergreen collection of the garden is famous Europe-wide. The botanical garden is managed today by the Faculty of Forestry of the University of West Hungary.
Visiting the Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden can be visited all year round free of charge. 
Opening hours:
Summertime   (1st May to 30th September):        8 a.m. – 8 p.m.      
Wintertime     (1st October to 30th April):           8. a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

Literature regarding the area (in Hungarian)
Kocsó, M. (2008): A Soproni Botanikus Kert története 1897-tól 1953-ig
Kocsó, M. (2008): A Soproni Botanikus Kert története 1953-tól 1974-ig