Accessibility statement

Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate is committed to make its website barrier-free accessible according to the Hungarian law 2018. évi LXXV. törvény on barrier-free access of websites and mobile applications of public bodies.
Present declaration on accessibility refers to

Compliance status

Present website complies due to below listed points only partly with the Hungarian law 2018. évi LXXV. törvény on barrier-free access of websites and mobile applications of public bodies.

Non-barrier-free content

Below listed content is non-barrier-free due to following reason(s):
Non-compliance with the Hungarian law 2018. évi LXXV. törvény:
Downloadable documents in PDF format are due to their character not guaranteed to be barrier-free.

Preparation of the declaration on accessibility

Present declaration was issued on August 6th 2021.
Present declaration was issued according to a self-evaluation prepared by our organization.

Feedback and contact

Eventual deficits in compliance can be indicated to the address
Responsible for accessibility and processing requests: Lukács Szilvia deputy finance director.

Implementation procedure

Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate is a budgetary institution under the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture.
Legal redress in case of insufficient answer to a request may be initiated via contacts published on the website

Present declaration on accessibility was approved by

Kulcsárné Roth Matthaea Director